OK, maybe not a dust bowl again but we are heading that way. So many people take water for granted. Every product in this world has a water footprint. This water footprint is the amount of water it takes to grow, raise or make something for the final user. The water footprint of a glass of milk is 260 gallons, that is it take 260 gallons of water to get one gallon of milk out of a cow. You don't want to know how many gallons it takes for a pound of beef. Take it from this farm boy you will not guess it right as it is way more than you would think. 4000 plus gallons...
For these reasons I am dumbstruck why we flush so much water down the toilet. I set out for a search on water saving toilets, read about HET toilets, low flow, dual flush and more. I spent days on the net making sense of it all. In conclusion I found if you want to save water you have to spend money until I ran into a Dual Flush Toilet Conversion Kit. This is a system that will transform your toilet from a standard old toilet into a full blown Dual Flush Toilet for under $30.00.
I since have installed 20 SelectAFlush units in all the neighboring farms with no issues and I love the fact that we are all saving water without spending money if only the farm would run like that.
For these reasons I am dumbstruck why we flush so much water down the toilet. I set out for a search on water saving toilets, read about HET toilets, low flow, dual flush and more. I spent days on the net making sense of it all. In conclusion I found if you want to save water you have to spend money until I ran into a Dual Flush Toilet Conversion Kit. This is a system that will transform your toilet from a standard old toilet into a full blown Dual Flush Toilet for under $30.00.
I since have installed 20 SelectAFlush units in all the neighboring farms with no issues and I love the fact that we are all saving water without spending money if only the farm would run like that.
Follow me on Twitter: @waterhelp
One of my BIGGEST pet peevs is to see a leaky faucet... more people need to be aware of the amount of water we waste and take for granted. I have a 5 year old son and I constantly wonder what kind of a future he will have to face... as a mother I want him to be safe, healthy, and happy. You can't have these things if you don't have the basics to survive. I worry. A . LOT .
ReplyDeleteThank you for your blog. Feel free to post your links on our facebook fan page. Let me know if you need the link.
I'm glad I found your blog! And thanks for the follow on twitter (@greenyourclean) I'm trying to get the message out that we don't need nasty chemicals pouring into our water system. Let me know if you'd like to guest blog on my site www.thecleaningcoach.us
ReplyDeleteLeslie The Cleaning Coach